3856 County Road 25

3856 County Road 25, Morganston Morganston United Church (1910)Roll No. 1411-011-040-07500 – Cramahe Township Ontario Gothic Revival Church It isn’t difficult to find a Gothic Revival style church in Cramahe Township or indeed in Northumberland County or in the...

3861 County Road 25

3861 County Road 25, Morganston (late 1800s)Roll No. 1411-011-040-07300-0000 – Cramahe Township Ontario Gothic Revival Cottage (Ontario Cottage) 3861 Highway 25, is another of the ubiquitous “Ontario Cottages” as they are known throughout the province. That...

3901 County Road 25

3901 County Road 25, Morganston (1909)Roll No. 1411-011-040-12900-0000 – Cramahe Township Ontario Four Square Vernacular The land records for this house points to a build date of the three years between 1909 and 1912. It is clad in narrow gauge wooden clapboard;...

3912 County Road 25

3912 County Road 25, Morganston (1850)Roll No. 1411-011-040-12800 – Cramahe Township Ontario 3 Bay Ontario Farmhouse As early as 1801, the Canada Land Company handed out free acres on behalf of the Crown, to those who agreed to clear the land and erect...