327 Bellamy Road, Brighton

Roll No. 1411-011-020-10500 – Cramahe Township Ontario

Folk Victorian “T” Farmhouse

The lovely big Folk Victorian house at 327 Bellamy Road, Brighton (Cramahe Township) is an example of the “T” shaped Folk Victorians.

The basement indicates that this house may have begun life as a simple square building with a rubble foundation. It has morphed into the Folk Victorian style, which was prevalent from 1870 to 1910. The Folk Victorian began as an orderly, less elaborate version of the classic Victorian. Initially these Folk Victorians were found in remote/rural areas, made of local materials with or without adornment. Later they became very popular and today they can be found in rural areas and cities in every neighbourhood.

The floor plan is straight forward with a parlour in front, kitchen in back, and bedrooms upstairs. This house has two formal living spaces where the bay windows are located.

The classic Folk Victorian has a tall, square symmetrical shape with a front gable and a side wing which gives it an “L” shape. It has a cross gable roof and a front porch with spindles and gingerbread and sometimes flat jigsaw trim.

This house is frame in the shape of a “T”. It has two three panel bay windows at ground level, and a shed style addition on the South side.

The steel roof is new as is the horizontal siding in an appealing soft blue. The windows are tall and slender in the Italianate style. It is elegant and stately, has avoided any of the commonly found adornment and has been sympathetically updated throughout its life.

History or Associative Value

Past owners of the property where, today, 327 Bellamy Road sits are the “Who’s Who” of Colborne’s earliest settlers….Goslee, Peacock, Lane, Cox and Parliament to name a few. The house was probably built by Albert Arthur (1840-1916) about 1900. The most intriguing artifact is the “graffiti” found in a dilapidated log outbuilding which says “Gertie died August 24, 1901, blessed are the dead that died in the Lord”. This refers to the passing of his step daughter Gertrude Fraser (1878-1901) at the age of 23.

Additional Historical and Genealogical Information

In 1798 each of the members of the Executive Council of Upper Canada (the governing body under Lieutenant Governor Simcoe) received for their services a land grant of 6000 acres for themselves and 1200 for each of their children. This apparently was at least in part an unsuccessful attempt on the part of Governor Simcoe to establish a landed gentry in Canada, similar to that in England at the time. One of Executive Councillors was Aeneas Shaw (ca. 1740-1814) and one of his children was 3-year-old George Shaw (1795-1829).

George Shaw’s 1200 acres included the 200 acres of Lot 18, Concession 1, Cramahe Township, Northumberland County, Ontario. The other 1000 acres were in Cramahe Township, Concession 2, Lots 5, 13-15, and 17. All of these lots except Lot 5 are still in Cramahe Township. Lot 5 was in the part of the original Cramahe Township that became incorporated into the newly formed Brighton Township in 1851.

George Shaw’s 1200 acres were the first land officially granted to a private individual by the Crown in the area, although government and clergy (Church of England) reserves had been established in 1791.

Aeneas Shaw was in charge of the detachment of militia that hiked by snowshoe from New Brunswick in 1793 and cleared the land for the new settlement of York. He moved his family to their new residence there, which he called “Oak Hill”, in 1794. Presumably it was there that George was born in 1795 in the small log cabin Aeneas first erected on the site.

Few details are available about George Shaw’s life. Reference has been seen to his witnessing the wedding of his younger sister Anne (1798-1870) at Oak Hill in 1816. He was not a witness to her second marriage in 1822. A family history known as the “Shaw Clan Book” states that he was a captain in the Royal York Rangers, and was present at the battle at Queenston Heights in 1812 and at the defense of York in 1813. The regiment in question was probably the Queen’s York Rangers, which was present at those engagements; the Royal York Rangers were stationed in the West Indies during the War of 1812. It is interesting that Captain Shaw was only 17 years old in 1812—pretty young to be a Captain. But times were different then…

George Shaw married Eliza Drewry (1805-1895) some time before 1823. She was the daughter of George Drewry, who appeared in the Cramahe censuses from 1820 through 1825. George and Eliza had four children, George Edward (1823-1880), Elizabeth, Mary (Ann?), and Fanny. George Shaw senior died by drowning in Lake Ontario in 1829. George Edward (Figure 1) went on to be an important character in the history of Peterborough. He married the daughter of fur trader and explorer David Thompson (1770-1857) in 1849. He was in Durham, Ontario in 1861, and Peterborough by 1871.

Figure 1. George Edward Shaw, son of George Shaw, the first owner of Lot 18

George Shaw Sr. is listed in the Cramahe censuses for 1822-1825, so he lived there for a time. He is not in the 1821 census, so presumably he arrived in 1821-22. No censuses are available after 1825 until 1839. Shaw died in 1829, so it is unclear when he left (or in fact if he died while a resident of Cramahe Township). His son George Edward was born in Cramahe, but as of 1825 there were no other children in the family. This means that Elizabeth, Mary, and Fanny had to have been born sometime between 1825 and 1829. Shaw had already sold 800 of his 1200 acres by the time he moved to Cramahe, so presumably he would have lived on the other 400. These were in Concession 2, Lots 13 and 14.

In 1834, five years after her husband’s death, Eliza married Thomas Johnston Grover (1805-1870) and moved to Wardsville, Middlesex County. None of her children by Shaw were with her there by the 1851 census. No further details are available.

On 16 April 1820 Shaw sold the whole of Lot 18 to James D. Goslee (1794-1865), when both Shaw and Goslee were in their mid-20’s. This was before Shaw moved to Cramahe Township. Where did they meet? Could they have been school friends? Did James D. Goslee go to school in York?

It has been suggested that Shaw sold his property because he couldn’t afford the taxes on his 1200 acre grant, but this seems unlikely. Most of the rest of his 1200 acres were sold to various people in 1817, 1819, and 1825, but he never sold 200 of the acres: they were inherited by his son and eventually sold in 1852. George Shaw’s penury is questionable because, in the 1825 Cramahe census, his household contained eight people despite his having only one child at the time. Five of these people were presumably hired help, suggesting that he couldn’t have been all that poor.

James D. Goslee was the son of Matthew Goslee (1757-1830) and Ann Schuyler (1762-1850). One comment on a family history website lists his middle name as “Ducklin”.

When exactly Matthew and Ann moved to Upper Canada is unclear. There are records of a Matthew Goslee in New Brunswick (at the time considered part of Nova Scotia) in 1783 and 1784. If this is the same Matthew Goslee, he lived there immediately after leaving the United States and before moving on to Upper Canada. This makes sense because the Upper Canada Land Grants were not initiated until 1789. How soon after 1789 he moved to Upper Canada is also unclear. His only child, James, was born in there in 1794, so it was sometime before that year. The location of his original land grant is also not obvious. He is listed as “Mathew Gosly, Yonge, Sergeant, Prince of Wales Regiment” in the land grant documentation, but, according to the Upper Canada Land Book C in 1797 “Mathew Goslee, praying to have his military lands completed, having received a Land Board Certificate for 200 acres, & requesting that Lots 1 & 2 on the North side of the Carrying Place road at the head of the Bay of Quinte may be a part thereof.. Recommended for leave to give up his Certificate for the 200 acres already drawn, and on transmitting it to the Surveyor General’s Office to have a Warrant for 500 acres as a Serjeant [old spelling of Sergeant] including one Lot on the Carrying Place from the Bay of Quinte.” This looks like he was originally granted 200 acres in Yonge (likely Front of Yonge Township in Leeds County, along the St. Lawrence east of Kingston), which he renounced in favour of 500 acres near Carrying Place, south of Trenton in about 1797.

Matthew Goslee first appears in Cramahe Township census records in 1807. He provided an opinion concerning legal proceedings dealing with a land transaction at the mouth of the Trent River in 1804, which suggests that he may have still been a resident there at that time. So he appears to have moved to Cramahe Township sometime between 1804 and 1807.

The 1809 census lists Goslee as the head of a household consisting of 1 male over 16 years (Matthew himself), one female over 16 years old (his wife Ann), one male under 16 years old (their son James), and one female under 16 years old. The Goslees only had one child. The girl was Charlotte Gray, who was raised by the Goslees after her father, James Gray died in 1796. For some reason the 1807 census lists 2 males under 16 years and no females under that age. Was this a mistake?

According to a great-great-granddaughter of Charlotte Gray, the Goslees lived at the crossing of Salem Creek and the York-Kingston Road (now Hwy. 2). In modern terms, Salem Creek crosses Hwy. 2 just west of the church in Salem, at the junction of Little Lake Road. Their tenure there lasted at least long enough for their granddaughter Elizabeth (b. 1818) to remember the homestead. Since Matthew died when she was 12, this probably means they lived there for the rest of Matthew’s life.

James D. Goslee married Phoebe Wood (1797–1877) in 1816 and settled just across Salem Creek from his parents’ homestead. Later in life they lived in Colborne, but it is uncertain when they moved there. Probably not much before 1830 because their Daughter Elizabeth remembered living on Salem Creek near her grandfather, who died that year. James and his son George built a house in Colborne in 1850, but it is not known if that was their first residence there. James D. Goslee was involved in numerous land acquisitions and sales in the area around Colborne in the 1820’s through the 1860’s.

It is interesting that neither Matthew nor James is listed in the Land Registry Office files as ever owning any land at the junction of Salem Creek and the modern Hwy. 2. Lot 22, Concession 2 (north of the road) was deeded to John Frint in 1809. Lot 22, Concession 1, was deeded to David Turner in 1808 and quickly purchased by Henry Frint in 1809. The Frint family then owned both sides of the road until 1846. Were the Goslees squatters? Were the renting from Frint? They may have been present before the Crown officially sold the two Lots. Why did they move to Cramahe Township when they had 500 acres farther east? Did James Goslee move to Colborne when Frint sold the land in 1846, or was he gone before that? Matthew Goslee did purchase Lot 17, just to the east of Lot 18 (owned by his son after 1820), in 1818. He soon sold the southern part (1819), but the northern half was inherited by James. Was Charlotte Grey’s descendant confused about where they lived? Were they actually next to each other on Lots 17 and 18 instead of on Lot 22? The detail about them living across the stream from each other doesn’t fit with this idea, because there is no stream between the two lots.

James and Phoebe Goslee had 4 children, George (ca. 1816-1882), Elizabeth (1818-1903), Mary Ann (b. 1820), and Emily Jane (b. 1829). James’ profession is listed in various sources as “farmer”, “magistrate”, “and “timber merchant”. He was involved in various Upper Canada Land Grant petitions and in 1816 was granted 200 acres as a descendant of a United Empire Loyalist. James is buried in the Trinity Anglican Churchyard in Colborne. Phoebe is buried in the Salem Cemetery.

On 30 July 1842 James D. Goslee sold the 62.5 acres south of the Toronto-Kingston Road (now Hwy. 2) William Lane (1796?-1862). Lane was born in Pelynt, Cornwall, to Philip Lean II (1768-1818) and Ann Rundle (b. 1770). He married Harriet (surname?) (ca. 1804-1872) from Devonshire, sometime before 1838. The 1842, 1851, and 1861 Cramahe Township censuses list Lane’s occupation as “farmer”. The Lanes were Methodists, although the 1851 census lists them as Church of England, and the 1861 census may list Harriet (misnamed Mary—see below) as Church of England.

When the Lanes moved to Canada, and where they lived once they got here, is unclear. The 1842 census indicates that Lane had been resident in Upper Canada for 10 years at that point, suggesting that he arrived sometime around 1832. It also lists the family as occupying 62 acres of land, 42 of them “improved”. The land tenancy is recorded as category “S”, which is thought by Catherine Wilson, author of “Tenants in Time”, to indicate a “share tenancy”. In other words, they apparently didn’t own the 62 acres. It seems too much of a coincidence that the Lanes were tenants on 62 acres when the 1842 census was taken and that they bought 62 acres from James Goslee that same year. If this is the same 62 acres, they were farming Lot 18 starting some time before 1842. On the other hand, there is a Land Registry Office entry for 20 acres in Lot 16, Concession 2 (two lots east and one north of Lot 18) being sold by Jacob Chatterson (1794-1867) and his wife to Harriet Lane (misspelled “Lang” in the records) in November of 1833. The fact that Chatterson sold the Lot 16 property to Harriet rather than to her husband suggests a possible relationship between Harriet and the Chatterson family, but none has been uncovered. The 20 acres in Lot 16 are not mentioned in the 1842 survey. Were they left unimproved and uninhabited, and hence of no interest to the census-takers?

The best guess is that the Lanes emigrated from England in 1833, at which point they purchased land in Lot 16. Whether or not they actually ever lived there is unclear. At some point between 1833 and 1842, they started farming in Lot 18. Since the 1842 census lists them as resident on 62 acres, it would appear that they were living there by that time. The 1851 census indicates that the Lanes lived in a 1.5- story log house, and the 1861 census says they lived in a 1-story log house. These may or may not have been the same building. There are the remains of a log structure on their Lot 18 property, built some time before 1878 since it shows on the Northumberland County Atlas of that date.

In 1851, the Lanes were listed as “residence if out of limits”. This means that their primary residence was outside the enumeration district in which they were counted at the time of the census. They were not so listed in 1861. In 1851, the entire township was counted as a single enumeration district. In 1861, it was divided into two such districts. This is obscure. They were resident of Cramahe Township in 1842 and 1861, but were present to be counted in the township in 1851 but with a primary residence elsewhere? This seems unlikely. If true, where was this residence outside of Cramahe Township?

William and Harriet Lane had four children: Mary Jane (1838-1924), Philip (1840-1921), Nicholas (1842-1929), and Amelia (1845-1929). There may also have been a Martha Lane who died in 1849. If so, she was born after 1842 because only two children are recorded on the census for that year.

Mary Lane married James Gummow (1834-1905), a carriage maker from Cornwall, England. This marriage occurred sometime before 1861, because the Gummows, age 26 and 23, were listed as residents of Cobourg in the census for that year. They had four children: Amelia (also spelled Emelia) Jane (1866-1911), William B. (b. 1869), Emma Maud (1870 or 1872-1950), and Charles Arthur (b. 1875). Something odd happened in in the Gummow household, but exactly what is obscure. No records have been found for James, Mary, or Amelia in the 1881 census, but Emma was apparently living with Philip Lane (her uncle), William with Jane Sorsoleil (a grocer in Cobourg), and Charles with Robert Jaynes (a farmer) at that time. By the 1891 census, Amelia was married and living with her husband, and William and his wife and daughter were living with them. Charles was a farm labourer in Haldimand Township.

It is unclear where Emma was, but apparently not with her parents, who were listed as living together in 1891 without any other family members. By 1894 Mary apparently had moved to 155 Lisgar Street, Toronto, a few doors from her son William, daughter Amelia, and Amelia’s husband at 142 Lisgar Street. As far can be determined, James remained in Cobourg, where he was listed without associated family in the 1901 census. He died four years later in 1905 of “marasmus” (severe malnutrition). What happened? One interpretation is that the kids had to be separated from their father for some reason by 1881, and Mary Jane finally gave up on him sometime between 1891 and 1894. His death certificate says he died of severe malnutrition. Did he drink himself to death? Of course, this is just a guess. There might be a much less colourful explanation. Perhaps the children were farmed out because of money problems, and the malnutrition James died of was due to cancer or some other disease (but then why did Mary leave more than 10 years before his death?).

Between ca. 1917 and her death in 1924 of “senile debility”, Mary lived in Fort Erie, Ontario. It is unclear when or why she moved there. Perhaps she followed one of her children, though no record has been found of any of them living there. However, no proof that one of them didn’t live there has been found either. Her death certificate listed her daughter “Mrs. Weston” as “informant”. This was Emma, and perhaps it was she that lived in Fort Erie for a time (she died in Toronto).

By 1861, Philip Lane was living with his sister and her husband James Gummow in Cobourg. Since James was a carriage maker and Philip was listed in later censuses as following the same trade, one would assume that he was there to learn the trade. He married Martha Jane Cox (1844-1927) sometime between 1861 and the birth of their first child in 1865 or 1866. Martha was the daughter of John Cox (1810-1869) and Emma Tanner (1817-1910), both English immigrants who met and married in Cramahe Township in 1833. Martha’s brother Henry married Philip’s sister Amelia in 1865 (see below).

Philip and Martha Lane had five children: Harriet (Hattie) (b. 1865 or 1866), Emma (1868-1872), Laura Alberta (1870-1965), Harry (b. 1877 or 1878), and Ernest Edward (1884-1967). Philip Lane and his family lived Colborne in 1871, in Cobourg in 1881, and had moved to Peterborough by the 1891 census. In 1901 they lived in Midland, Ontario, but by 1906 they were back in Peterborough, where Philip died in 1921 of “chronic rheumatism”. Most references to Philip’s profession indicate that he was a carriage maker, although in the 1891 census he is listed as a “nursery agent” and in 1901 as a “foreman”. Martha died in Peterborough of “cerebral hemorrhage” and “mycocardial degeneration leading to cardiac failure”.

Nicholas Lane (referred to in some sources as William Nicholas Lane) (1842-1929) married Emma E. Turney (1846-1874), daughter of David Turney (1805-1849) and Elizabeth (surname?) (b. ca. 1819), in 1865. Emma was the granddaughter of David Turney, Jr. (1776-1862) and the great-granddaughter of David Turney, Sr. (ca. 1745-ca. 1816), both from Connecticut and among the original settlers of Cramahe Township. They pioneered adjacent lots in Lots 22 and 23, Concession 1 and were listed there in the 1797 census of the Township. Lot 22 was later sold to Francis Brockell Spilsbury in 1822. The Salem Methodist Church was later built in the northwest corner of Lot 23.

Nicholas and Emma had four children: Martha (b. 1866), Philip (b. 1869), Frederick (1872-1957), and Susan (b. 1874).

In 1876, two years after the death of his first wife, Nicholas married Vienna E. Pettibone (1856-1929) of Haldimand Township (possibly born in the USA). Vienna is spelled in various sources also as “Viona”, “Viorra”, “Vianna”, and “Viana”, but the spelling used here was from a Pettibone genealogy website. Nicholas and Vienna had seven children: Harriet (b. ca. 1878), Emma Louise (1880-1881), Charlotte Mabel (b. 1882 or ca. 1883), Lena Gertrude (1884 or 1885-1921), William Nicholas (1886-1918), Herman Ross (b. 1888 or 1889), and Gladys Lillian (1891-1892). Nicholas was a farmer in Cramahe township his entire life. He was a resident of Concession 6, Lot 30, southeast of Castleton, at least between 1878 and 1899. Whether he lived there his entire adult life is unclear. He died of “senile gangrene of left foot” and is buried in the Union Cemetery in Colborne.

This photo is labelled in Ancestry.ca as “William and Emma Lane and grandkids?”. But Emma died in 1874, and in the 1920’s, when this picture appears to have been taken, Nicholas (AKA ”William”) was married to Vienna Pettibone.

Amelia Lane (1845-1929) married Henry Cox (1838-1918) in 1865. Henry was a farmer and the brother of Martha Cox, wife of Amelia’s brother Philip (see above). He purchased the northern half of Lot 23, Concession 2 in 1874. The Cox’s were still resident of Cramahe Township in 1881, but by 1891 they were living in Peterborough, where Henry died of diabetes in 1918. Amelia died of “chronic senile myocarditis” at 278 Inglewood Avenue, (Peterborough? Toronto?) in 1929. She had lived there since about 1924, possibly with her daughter Emma Weir.

Henry and Amelia Cox had nine children: John (b. ca. 1869), Adam (b. ca. 1871), Emma (b. ca. 1873), William (b. ca. 1875), Robert (b. ca. 1877), Frederick (b. ca. 1879), Harry (b. ca. 1882), Clifford (b. ca. 1889), and Roy (b. ca. 1895).

The 1851 Cramahe Township census lists William Lane’s household as including himself, his wife Harriet, and their four children. Interestingly, the 1861 census lists a Mary Lane only one year younger than William, and no Harriet. Was this his wife with an incorrect name and an inaccurate age, or was it another relative of Lane (a sister?), living with him at the time? But in that case where was Harriet? The 1861 record does not include the Lanes’ 23 year old daughter Mary, who had married and moved away by then, so there may to be some confusion between mother and daughter in the census records. The members of the Lane household in 1861 therefore were William, Harriet, and the remaining three children: Philip (21), Nicholas (19), and Amelia (16). Philip is also listed in the 1861 census of Cobourg as living with his sister and brother-in-law, so apparently he left in 1861. William Lane died in 1862 when he fell out of a tree, leaving Harriet and two children, ages 17 and 20. It is not clear who remained resident in Lot 18 after that: Nicholas and Amelia were both married in 1865 and none of the Lanes were listed as residents of Enumeration Division 1, which contained Lot 18, in the 1871 census. All of the Lane children can be found in that census living elsewhere, but not Harriet. She was alive in 1871 (see next paragraph), but it is unclear where she lived. She isn’t listed as living with any of her children in the census for that year.

William Lane’s 62.5 acres were sold to Henry J. Parliament on 28 November 1871 by the “Receivers at Law” of William Lane’s estate. These were “Harriet Lane, widow, Philip Lane and wife, William N. Lane, James Gummow, Mary J. Gummow, Henry Cox, Amelia Cox (widow)”. It is obscure why the Land Registry records refer to Amelia as a widow: Henry Cox was her husband. Harriet Lane also sold her 20 acres in Lot 16 to Robert Heseltine in 1871.

Parliament was the owner of the property when the 1878 Atlas of Northumberland County was produced.

Henry Jason Parliament was born to James Harvey Parliament (1810-1852) and Hannah Tice (1815-1896) in 1844 in Mountain View, Prince Edward County, and died in Picton in the same county in 1943 (99 years later!). He married Sarah Glenn (1833-1899) in 1870 and Alice Jacques (1855-1934) in 1902. He and Sarah had two daughters, Harriet Priscilla “Hattie” (1871-1879) and Susan Charlotte “Susie” (1884-1915). Assuming Henry and Sarah lived on Lot 18, Concession1, Hattie would have lived there with them. She died the year after the property was sold, at age 8. Susie was born after the sale of the property, so she never lived there. She went on to marry Edward Meredith Hubbs in 1909. Henry’s occupation is listed in various sources as “teacher”, “carpenter”, and “apple merchant”. In census records, he was a resident of Prince Edward County in 1871, Northumberland County in 1881, and Colborne in 1892. His daughter Hattie died in Prince Edward County in 1879, but that doesn’t necessarily indicate residence there.

Here is a picture of Henry J. Parliament, probably in the early 1860s, 10 years or so before he purchased the Lane property in Cramahe Township. Henry is in the middle of the back row. In the front row are (left to right) Henry’s mother Hannah Tice Parliament and his sisters Cynthia Parliament Pearsall Jaques (1839-1918), Armintha Marilla Parliament (1841-1912), and Victoria Phoebe Parliament (1847-1929). The others in the back row are (left) Marshall Roblin Parliament (1836-1904), and (right) James Wesley Parliament (1849-1921).


Chauncey Bellamy, owner of the house now called 14116 Hwy 2 (LINK), was the brother-in-law of William Jaques, who was the step brother of Benjamin Jaques, who in turn was the brother-in-law of Henry J. Parliament (see below). So, there were family connections with the neighbours across the road, but no direct relationship.

Henry J. Parliament sold his 62.5 acres to William Corbman (1832-1911) on 7 November 1878 for $2000. Corbman was from Prince Edward County and was the son of Daniel Corbman (b. 1794) and Sarah Ann (surname unknown) (b. 1811). He married Emily Chase (1840-1895) in 1861 and had 3 children: Charles (1864-1895), Sarah “Alida” (b. 1866), and Lydia Lucenia (1869-1930). He was a farmer and died in Colborne. Censuses through 1871 place him in Prince Edward County.

Charles Corbman died in Colborne in 1895. Lydia married Alfred A. Brown in 1897. They were resident in Colborne in 1901. Lydia died in Cobourg in 1930. Nothing further has been found on Alida.

On 19 December 1887 William Corbman and his wife sold the property to Thomas Scott for $1400. There was a Thomas Scott born in 1815 to Abel Scott (1781-1871) and Hannah Bell (1787-1864) and married in 1837 to Elizabeth Purdy. He was a farmer and lumberer who was resident in Murray Township in 1851. He may or may not be the same Thomas Scott. Unfortunately, it’s a common name. There’s also a Thomas Scott in Cobourg listed as a magistrate in 1846 and a postmaster in 1857. A Thomas Scott was one of the executors of the will of Ozem Strong in Colborne in 1857. Also one was a member of the Arrest Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 in Port Hope in 1856. All of these records are over 30 years before 1887 so they are likely other men.

Samuel J. Arthur purchased Thomas Scott’s 62.5 acres on 6 February 1894 for $2500. Samuel J. Arthur was born in 1836 in Prince Edward County, the son of George D. Arthur (1802-1886) and Elizabeth “Betsey” Robison (1803-1841). Samuel J. Arthur married Julia Ann Ruttan (b. 1849) of Iowa and was listed as resident in Iowa in 1880.

On 16 April 1896 Samuel Arthur sold the property to his brother Albert (1840-1916) for the same $2500 he had paid for it. Albert Arthur appears to be the one who built the house at 327 Bellamy Road, which is officially recorded as having been built in 1900 (although the tax assessor’s office doesn’t know if this is a real date or an estimate). Albert, like Samuel, was born in Prince Edward County and was a farmer. He married Elizabeth Richmond (b. ca. 1844) in 1864. He later married Sarah Ellen Fraser (nee Snelgrove) (1859-1937) in 1886. It is unclear what happened to Elizabeth: she was still alive in 1881. Sarah had been married formerly to Isaac Fraser (1854-before 1885) and provided Albert with two step- daughters: Gertrude Fraser (1878-1901) and Maud A. Fraser (1881-1942). These are the two girls referred to in graffiti inside the outbuilding at 327 Bellamy: “Maud married December 15, 1901” and “Gertie died August 24, 1901, blessed are the dead that died in the lord”. The remaining graffiti says “Grace died July 26” (no year; not known who Grace was), “Barry Kent 1937” (not known who he was either), “Shadow”, and several bits by some people who apparently had a party in the shed in 1994.

Besides the two step daughters, Albert and Sarah had three children of their own: Lottie E. (1887-1977), Laura Evelyn (b. 1889), and Donald (b. 1891). Albert, Sarah, Maud, Gertrude, Lottie, Laura, and Donald were the first family to live in the house at 327 Bellamy (though it didn’t have that address at the time).

Albert lived in Lot 11, Concession 1 in 1878, before owning part of Lot 18. He died in 1916 of “malignant jaundice”.

Albert Arthur’s daughter Lottie married Clayton Peacock (born Joseph Clayton Peacock) (1885-1976) in 1909. He was the son of Joseph Peacock and Sarah Pogue and was listed as a labourer in the 1911 census. Lottie and Clayton inherited Albert Arthur’s 62.5 acres on 21 November 1917 (Lottie’s sister Laura signed over her rights to the property to them on that same day; Lottie’s brother Donald had already signed over his rights on 30 November 1916). Clayton and Lottie Peacock lived in the house until they died in the 1970’s.


Colborne Art Gallery

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